This site is the property of TROLIB, LLC with a capital of €1, registered in the commercial register under number 802 580 076 RCS MARSEILLE.
Intra-community VAT: FR 32 802580076.
Registered Address : Allée des Lauriers Res. Cassis Bellevue Building N 13260 CASSIS.
Contact: - + 33 (0) 486 011 170
Publication manager: Emilien VIART.
Accommodation: OVH.
Data hosting
The activity data, the reservation data, your personal data as well as your billing data are hosted in France by OVH:
Data protection
TROLIB uses your personal information for the correct processing of orders. By registering on the site, you agree to provide us with sincere and true information about yourself. The communication of false information is contrary to these general conditions as well as to the conditions of use appearing on the site.
In accordance with article 34 of the “Informatique et Libertés” law, TROLIB guarantees the User a right of opposition, access and rectification on personal data concerning him.
The User has the possibility of exercising this right by using the contact form provided.
In accordance with article L. 612-1 of the Consumer Code, the
consumer, subject to article L.612.2 of the code of
consumption, has the option of submitting a request for amicable resolution
by means of mediation, within a period of less than one year from its
written complaint to the professional.
TROLIB has designated, by membership registered under number
53374/VM/2408 SAS Médiation Solution as a management entity
mediation of consumption.
To seize the mediator, the consumer must formulate his request:
– Or in writing to: Sas Médiation Solution – 222 chemin de la bergerie 01800
Saint John of Niost
– Either by email to:
– Or by completing the online form entitled “Refer to the mediator”
on the website
Whatever the means of referral used, the request must imperatively
contain :
– The postal, telephone and electronic contact details of the applicant,
– Name, address and registration number at Sas Médiation
Solution, from the professional concerned,
– A brief statement of the facts,
– Copy of the prior complaint,
– All documents allowing the processing of the request (voucher
order, invoice, proof of payment, etc.)